Stone Circles on the Beara Peninsula and The Hag of Beara (An Cailleach).
The Beara Peninsula and all of West Cork is renowned for its stone circles and standing stones dating back from 1500 to 500BC.
The beautiful Derrentaggart West Stone Circle and Ring Fort are very close to Castletownbere and Bellatrix bed and breakfast for women and The Hag of Beara site at Kilcatherine is a wonderful place for rituals. The “otherworld” of the ancients which appears so irrelevant in the modern age has not lost its hold on the Beara Peninsula.
There are up to 50 plus megalithic sites which include standing stones, stone circles, wedge tombs, ring forts, early churches, boulder dolmens, holy wells and ogham stones. In Bellatrix bed and breakfast for women you will have access to the map “Antiquities of the Beara Peninsula illustrated Map” and the book Antiquities of the Beara Peninsula a Guide by Jack Roberts.
The Hag of Beara
The Hag of Beara, in Irish, An Cailleach Bhearra, also known as the Old Woman of Beara is a most important figure of Celtic Folklore. She has had many roles: Mother and Corn Goddess, shaper of the land, protector of wild nature, Divine Hag and Sovereignty Queen. In many ways she is as significant today as she was in the past. On the Beara Peninsula, she is believed to be embodied in a special stone which stands overlooking the sea near Eyeries. She is said to have lived through seven stages youth and old age and so has the quality of being both a young maiden and an old crone.
The Hag of Beara, in Irish, An Cailleach Bhearra, also known as the Old Woman of Beara is a most important figure of Celtic Folklore. She has had many roles: Mother and Corn Goddess, shaper of the land, protector of wild nature, Divine Hag and Sovereignty Queen. In many ways she is as significant today as she was in the past. On the Beara Peninsula, she is believed to be embodied in a special stone which stands overlooking the sea near Eyeries. She is said to have lived through seven stages youth and old age and so has the quality of being both a young maiden and an old crone.
The Beara Peninsula, in the far south west reaches of County Cork is an area of vast and unspoilt natural beauty, rich in folklore tales and traditions.

Dunboy Cottage, Fuhir, Castletownbere, Beara Peninsula, West Cork, Ireland P75AC89
Tel: +353 27 71717 • Email: bellatrixireland@gmail.com